This club is successful in its endeavors because of its dedicated members. Below you will find pictures of our projects, meetings, and club activities. Continue to scroll to find information on our leadership team and a member spotlight on occasion.

Preksha Sarda
Hi! My name is Preksha, and I am a Co-President of Ames High Bee Club this year! I have absolutely loved working with this club. This club had grown in not only numbers but dedication and skill, which meant that finding new projects was finally a foreseeable opportunity for us. I love Bee Club and the opportunities that it presents, like meeting new people or attending seminars and programs. I am excited to see where this club decides to go in terms of our spring projects and endevors.

Ellie Nusbaum
My name is Ellie Nusbaum and this year I have had the honor to serve as the co-president of Bee Club. Growing up, my family raised bees so when I found out Ames High had a Bee Club, I had to join! I have made it my mission to provide beekeeping as an opportunity to beeclubbers. I am so grateful for the help and donation from the IHPA that financed our beekeeping venture. I cannot wait for the future of Bee Club and the opportunities to come with our Bees!